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时间:2023-03-02 08:52:58 作文 我要投稿




英文作文 篇1

  Do you mind being called a bad student?Of course not. So far as I know,everybody intends to be (become) a model student. However,to be a model student is by no means an easy thing. First,he mus

  Do you mind being called a bad student?Of course not. So far as I know,everybody intends to be (become) a model student.

  However,to be a model student is by no means an easy thing.

  First,he must do his best to obtain knowledge. A man without sufficient knowledge will not succeed.

  Secondly,he must remember to improve his health. Only a strong man can do great tasks.

  Thirdly,he should receive moral education. If his conduct is not good,no one will consider making friends with him.

英文作文 篇2

  The goal of my life is living a simple happy and healthy life.

  What I want is a simple life not a complicated one.Because what my job or career offers me are difficult issues which I must handle them properly, and sometimes they are so boring and tedious,but I have to do.So after a day's work, I want to have a break and do some things which would provide me happiness and a harmonious life. It is so simple like that, I have a supper with my families talking some funny and humourous topics, or I sit on grass with who I loved looking at the beautiful sky and counting the numbers of the stars. It is simple, but very harmonious and romantic.

  I also want to spend sometime on my hobbies,such as playing table tennis,badminton,basketball and so forth.I like sports very much and I believe it will benefit me all my life.What I gained from sports are not only speed,strength and skill but also competitiveness,teamwork and so on.Sports could give me a strong and energetic body and a healthy life.

  The goals of my life are just written as above,and they will be pursued by myself all my life.

英文作文 篇3

  take care of 爱护,照料

  take a chance 冒险,投机

  take change 开始管理,接管

  keep…company 陪伴

  take (a) delight in 以…为乐

  make a difference 有影响,起(重要)作用

  carry/bring/put into effect 使生效,实行,实现

  come/go into effect 生效,实施

  take effect 生效,起作用

  catch sb.’s eye 被某人看到,引起某人注意

  keep an eye on 留神,照看,密切注意

  make a face 做鬼脸

  find fault with 抱怨,挑剔,找岔子

  catch (on) fire 着火,开始燃烧

  face to face 面对面地

  a few 有些,几个

  quite a few 不少,相当多

  a little 一点,一些

  little by little 逐渐地,一点点地

  quite a little 相当多,不少

  no matter 无论

  the moment (that) 一…就

  no more 不再

  fair play 公平竞赛,公平对待

  attitude to/towards 态度,看法

  a great/good deal of 大量,非常,极其

  influence on 影响

  interference in 干涉,介入

  interference with 妨碍,打扰

  introduction to 介绍

  a lot (of) 许多(的),大量(的)

  lots of 大量,很多

  fall in love (with sb.) 爱上(某人)

  reply to 回答,答复

  trolley bus 电车

  I.D. card 身份证

  credit card 信用卡

  no doubt 无疑地,很可能

  next door 隔壁

  out of doors 在户外

  face to face 面对面地

  a few 有些,几个

  quite a few 不少,相当多

  a little 一点,一些

  little by little 逐渐地,一点点地

英文作文 篇4


  我们去了同学妈妈的店里,同学妈妈开了家婚纱摄影店,阿姨主动请缨,给我们提供比赛的`衣服还免费化妆呢。我们在欢声笑语中化好了妆,换好了衣服,当我们匆忙回到学校的时候,老师见到我们着急地说:“你们怎么才回来呀?马上要轮到我们上场了,赶紧去排队吧!”“是”我们异口同声地回答。因为我们穿的是小婚纱裙,非常漂亮,很多人都围过来看我们呢,我们的回头率好高哦!报幕员报上了我们班,大家都很紧张,我们一进去,评委们眼前一亮,我们调整了一下情绪,就开唱了“love In your……”我们一唱完,全场就响起了雷鸣般的掌声,看来我们的名次一定错不了。比赛后的那几天,大家都在焦急地等待着比赛结果。终于,一位老师来到我们班级通知:“恭喜,你们班名列第一名。”“耶!太棒了!”“太厉害了……”同学们欢呼起来。满脸笑容的老师对我们说,我们之所以能取得第一名的好成绩,不光是参赛同学的努力,也是我们班级里每一个同学还有家长共同努力的结果,所以同学们一定要记住团结就是力量。这次英文歌曲大赛表明,一个人的力量是有限的,同学们相互配合共同努力才会取得好成绩,看似一张小小的第一名奖状,它汇集的却是全体同学老师和家长心血啊!

英文作文 篇5

  [英文短信] 12月19日

  God has a reason 4 allowing things to happen,

  we may never understand his wisdom,

  but we simply have 2 trust his will.

  God bless you all the way.

  [英文短信] 12月18日

  When earthly help is no avail,

  there is 1 friend who wil never fail.

  Just lift ur eyes, the answer is there.

  For nobody knows the power of prayer.

  Have a worry free day.

  [经典短信] 12月16日

  Keep the race through God's good grace.

  Lift up your eyes and seek His face.

  Life with its way b4 us lies.

  Christ is the path and Christ is the Price.

  [经典短信] 12月15 日

  Words and hearts should be handled with care...

  for words when spoken and hearts when broken

  are the hardest things to repair.

  [经典短信] 12月14日

  Heart beat are countless,

  spirits are ageless,

  dreams r endless,

  memories are timeless

  and a friend like u is Useless.

  Oops! Sorry Yaar, Priceless.

  [经典短信] 12月12日

  God has given us two gifts;

  One is choice & another is chance.

  Choice is to select a good friend &

  chance is to have a best one like you.

英文作文 篇6

  I don't understand why cann't she control her temper. my wife is the high-power,career driven type. she is very good to me but is also bossy and manipulative sometimes. She works for a start-up company in healthcare as a manager and the work gives her lots of stress. tonight, she came back very late as usual. we had a small talk, then I asked her did you send my mail out today? she said no i forgot. i was a little upset cause i assumed she did and wrote to the friend.

  i could send it out next monday, anyway, it doesnt make much of a difference if it arrives one or two days sooner. she said. dont worry, it's ok. please do remember this time. "why didn't you remind me? why everyone ask me to do this and that? why should I do all the work."she yelled, "I didn't sleep well for a long time and is very depressed. I feel like breaking stuff. She continued.

  I feel very upset too not because other reason but because she anger she unleashed on me. it was nobody's fault. though i may looked little disappointed, I understand her situation and didn't ask for a lot. she choosed the job, she is working for her goal. this is supposed to be good. why are we suffering. i tried to find an answer.

  she went to bed, but I am in no mood to sleep. i could only write something about my feeling and hoping to get some comfort from friends here. as a man, I don't like to fight with women and even with a very strong personality. I am soft spoken and patient. men can control themselves, why can't women. maybe that is the difference.

英文作文 篇7

  Pie in the Sky

  There is actually a pie in the sky。 It was made especially for you。 It is your favorite flavor。 You can eat as much of it as you want。 It is all yours and you don’t have to share it with anyone。

  Now, all you have to do to get your pie is build a set of stairs, climb up your stairs, and reach out your hand to take it。

  First, you must figure out what the design of your stairs will be。 If you don’t know, find a person who has managed to build a set of stairs to reach his pie, and find out what needs to be done。

  Next, you will need to prepare for your stairs。 You need to buy the wood and the tools。 You might need to replace some broken tools。

  Finally, and this is the hardest step, you need to focus your mind on your work。 The actual work requires constructing the stairs。 You may find that you’ve worked really hard for days, weeks or even months, and then suddenly find that your stairs are not going to line up with your pie。 So you need to make sure that you still have money to buy new materials and rebuild your stairs in the right direction。

  With proper planning and careful pacing, you will be able to reach your pie。 Your pie is right there, right above you。 All you need to do is get it。








英文作文 篇8

  I have a dog. He is my favorite pet. He is very lovely. His name is Peter and he is two years old. His fur is long and white. He has big black eyes. His nose is very good. He can smell very well. He is quite small. He weighs about two kilograms. Peter's favorite food is meat. He also likes bones.

  Peter is very friendly. I feed him every day. He never barks or bites. Peter likes lots of exercise. It is necessary to walk the dog in the park every day if you want it to be healthy. So I play with him every day in the park. Peter likes to run in the park. He often chases cats and birds. It is very interesting. Peter can find the way back easily. I think he is the cleverest animal of all.

  I like my dog and he loves me too. He is very healthy. All my family like him. We look after him very carefully. I'll make a small and

英文作文 篇9

  As the summer has ended, the fall comes quickly. Last night, it rained, I stayed in the house and appreciated the scenery through the window.The sound of the rain was like the music to me, I enjoyed hearing it. the coolness came to me and I felt so comfortable, I love fall and it is nottoo hot and cold, I can do a lot of outside activities.



英文作文 篇10

  When did sport begin? If sport is, in essence, play, the claim might be made that sport is much older than humankind, for , as we all have observed, the beasts play. Dogs and cats wrestle and play ball games. Fishes and birds dance. The apes have simple, pleasurable games. Frolicking infants, school children playing tag, and adult arm wrestlers are demonstrating strong, transgenerational and transspecies bonds with the universe of animals - past, present, and future. Young animals, particularly, tumble, chase, run wrestle, mock, imitate, and laugh (or so it seems) to the point of delighted exhaustion. Their play, and ours, appears to serve no other purpose than to give pleasure to the players, and apparently, to remove us temporarily from the anguish of life in earnest.Some philosophers have claimed that our playfulness is the most noble part of our basic nature.

  In their generous conceptions, play harmlessly and experimentally permits us to put our creative forces, fantasy, and imagination into action. Play is release from the tedious battles against scarcity and decline which are the incessant, and inevitable, tragedies of life. This is a grand conception that excites and provokes. The holders of this view claim that the origins of our highest accomplishments ---- liturgy, literature, and law ---- can be traced to a play impulse which, paradoxically, we see most purely enjoyed by young beasts and children. Our sports, in this rather happy, nonfatalistic view of human nature, are more splendid creations of the nondatable, transspecies play impulse.











