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时间:2022-03-27 08:19:03 作文 我要投稿
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  On Saturday, I took part in the field activities organized by my mother's school. It was very interesting.


  Brothers and sisters with a variety of cooking utensils and various materials, we talked and laughed, soon arrived at the destination. They are really capable. Some carry stones, some wash vegetables, some collect firewood Soon, the delicious rice will be ready. I have a delicious meal.

  “快来看哪,有这么多螃蟹!”我们立刻一大群人围了上去。看见小溪里真的有很多螃蟹在爬呢。大家马上脱了鞋,卷起裤脚下水去抓了。我很怕,不敢抓,有个姐姐看见了,鼓励我说:“来,姐姐教你。”我小心翼翼地翻开石头,学着姐姐的样子,用大拇指和食指抓住螃蟹的两个大钳子。哇,我真的抓了好大的一只。“妈妈 ,妈妈 ,我抓了一只大螃蟹。”我高兴地大叫起来。“你真能干。看,那边——”妈妈摸着我的头说。顺着妈妈妈妈手指的方向看去,我看到了哥哥姐姐们每三五个人围成一圈,很认真地在抓呢。我问妈妈他们为什么要这样围起来,妈妈告诉我:“这是他们合作,螃蟹就无处可逃了。”哦,原来是这样。我也马上加入他们的队伍中去。妈妈说的没错,在大家的共同努力下,我们抓了很多很多。

  "Come and see, there are so many crabs!" We were immediately surrounded by a large crowd. There are many crabs climbing in the stream. Everyone immediately took off their shoes and rolled up their trouser legs to catch them in the water. I am afraid, dare not catch, a sister saw, encourage me to say: "come, sister teach you." I carefully opened the stone, learning from my sister's appearance, and grasped the two claws of the crab with my thumb and index finger. Wow, I really caught the big one. "Mom, mom, I caught a big crab." I cried with joy. "You are very capable. Look, over there - "mom said, touching my head. Looking along the direction of my mother's fingers, I saw my brothers and sisters in a circle of three or five people, grasping them very seriously. When I asked my mother why they had to surround me like this, my mother told me, "this is their cooperation, and crabs have nowhere to escape." Oh, so it is. I'll join them right away. Mom is right. With the joint efforts of all of us, we have caught a lot.


  Time flies. It's time for us to go back. Along the way, brothers and sisters are carrying a bunch of crabs and singing loudly: "unity is power..." Yes, we should be "proud of unity and mutual assistance". As long as we unite, we will not be afraid of any difficulties.










